
I got the job. They definitely sold me on it. haha

What really got me is that this the sales are all made to people through references, so there are no blind meetings. It’sĀ  a casual atmosphere, so it’s not like we have to shove this product down the potential customer’s throat. It’s also not a commission based job, so I get paid just for the demonstrations (plus commission if I sell the product), so I think it’s a pretty good deal. Actually, it’s an awesome deal.

So now that that’s over, it’s time to pack for my leave to California tomorrow. I’ll be gone until Friday night, so I update then. Magic Mountain and Santa Monica, here I come! šŸ™‚


I’m kind of nervous for my interview today. I want to make a good impression even though I’m anticipating not taking the job. It’s a sales job, and I just don’t think that I have the personality to be a sales person. Plus, I’m iffy about going to people’s homes and demonstrating a product. I’m sure that they’re not going to put me at any risk, but I’m still wary.

What I’m most nervous about is that they’re going to sell me this job (I mean, they are a SALES company, so of course they’re going to insist that this is the job that I’ve always wanted and I need it. What if I really don’t want it? I might walk out of that office with more responsibility than I wanted. I’ll be busy this summer already with my intern job, but that pay is minimal, so maybe I should jump on this opportunity. My brain says I should because it’s money I could be earning, but my heart says not to bother.

Ugh, I guess I won’t know for sure until afterwards.

Memorial Day

Today has been pretty relaxing. I hung out at my pool for a little while and basically did nothing productive, except for setting up a job interview after I was called by this company who said my friend that works for them recommended me. I’m glad I got to relax today because I won’t be able to for a week.

Tomorrow I have to get up early to get ready to go to college to handle last minute details of the upcoming fall semester, then I need to go to a meeting with my intern group from 2 to 4, then I have to prepare for the interview at 6:30, and finally I have to pack to leave for California the next morning at 5 AM. I’m SO excited to go to California! (:


Now it’s time to take my puppy out on a walk, and then we’ll have dinner. We’re having BBQ ribs. mmm!


This concept came about with the idea “what if we flipped the model and saw paper as the source and wood as the end product?” Developed by Mieke Meijer from the Design Academy Eindhoven, this process of “upcycling” can re-create wood which is just another step to reduce the use of finite natural resources (like wood). What a great possibility for the future!

Models made by a Dutch design team:


Top 5 songs of the month

I’ve been listening to a lot of different music this month, and there are a few songs that stand out from everything else. They’re a mix of every genre, so there should be something in at least one of the songs that everyone likes.

In no particular order:

Enzymes – Freelance Whales

I love everything about this song, and especially the drum beat.

Starry Eyed – Ellie Goulding

As much as I like the remix that I heard before I heard this, there’s nothing that can beat the original. It makes me think of the character Cassie from Skins UK for some reason.

Salt Skin – Ellie Goulding

Another one from Ellie, but that’s because she’s the main artist I’ve been listening to this month. This is my other favorite one from her album Lights (as well as Your Biggest Mistake, but I’ll end with her songs here, haha).

Two Against One – Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi (feat. Jack White)

I don’t really know what it is about this song that I like so much, but I like it a lot.

What I Know – Parachute

This single from Parachute’s new album is simply great. I loved it from my first listen. I think my favorite part is 2:30 – 3:10, and that’s not because of what he’s singing. šŸ˜‰ haha

There are so many more songs from other artists that I love, so maybe later I’ll post random songs.


I was supposed to see Bridesmaids today with a friend, but due to some chaos out of my control, we missed the showing. Oh well, we can always see it another time. Instead we went shopping. She got a lot of stuff, but I didn’t get anything, and I’m kind of proud of myself for resisting temptation. After all, I need to be saving money instead of spending it. haha

Technically this was yesterday…

I just got home from my friend’s house, and I am so ready to go to bed. But before I do, I want to talk about my night while it’s still fresh in my mind. haha

After I went to a different friend’s graduation/birthday party, I met up with my friend mentioned above. We decided to go get free samples at Yogurtland at the mall. It’s a beautiful night so I suggested we walked there since we weren’t that far, and one of the guys we were with said that we should since he wanted to check out what was happening where a police car was. So we were walking along the canal across from the mall area and we pass the police car scene and come across a bike cop who looks like he’s surveying the area. As we continue to walk, we see three more police cars stationed in the lots across from where we were, so we’re thinking something serious has gone down because those can’t all be for drunk drivers. Then we got to Yogurtland and had some frozen yogurt, and after we leave, my friend goes up to a cop who was by the intersection and ask what was going on. He said that they were looking for a 50 year old white man wearing a blue shirt and cowboy boots; basically he was a cowboy without the hat. So now we had that image in our heads, and we moved on to go to the restaurant we were heading towards. On our way there, we see this police car:

It may be a little hard to see on this crappy cell phone picture, but this police car has way too many lights. There were seriously like six sets of lights on this car. The lights below the headlights, lights on the top, on the side, on the back side, on the back bumper, inside the car. Five sets of those were unnecessary.

Then we ate, went to a nearby hotels pool for a little bit, and then cut through the hotel next to the one we were at to get back to my friend’s house. When we were cutting through, we came across two crime scene vans, and another police car. At this point in time, this serious business got really serious. So again, my friend asks the cop there what happened, and he says that this guy isn’t a good guy and that he’s being searched for for drug related reasons. So I assume he’s some sort of drug lord. Scary!

But of course, we made it back safely, and I hope they catch whoever that cowboy man is.